Ready to Know if  Your Home is Infested by Summer Pests in Acworth, GA?

Don’t let these pests ruin the remaining days of your summer months.

Prevent these destructive pests by knowing they are already starting to destroy some parts of your house.

Protect your home by not ignoring the key signs that you may have summer pests in the house.


The following are four key signs that you may have summer pests in the house:


1) Wood That Is Damaged and/or Evidence of Mud Tubes

There is no doubt that the home represents perhaps your largest financial investment. Is it being decimated by termites? If you see damage to your wood, it may be that you have typical summer pests like carpenter ants or even termites.

If you notice cracking, sagging, hollowed or caving wood, there may, in fact, be an infestation of termites present. It is possible that these pests are doing lots of silent harm to your structure.

If you believe there may be an issue with termites, you would do well to contact a team of professionals. Your pets, your loved ones, and your home will thank you!


2) Trail Of Ants

Ants are known for dropping a calling card of pheromones wherever they go so that their friends and fellow travelers can easily follow.

If you see ant trails in the area of your home, be certain they are not headed inside the structure itself. If you see ant trails within the home it is probably the tip of the ant iceberg.


3) Dead Roaches, Droppings and Egg Casing Evidence

When you start to see droppings in the home, you are almost certain to have an infestation or at least a milder roach problem.

The fecal matter of smaller roaches resembles coffee grounds or pepper specs, and large roaches have larger leavings. An alternative way of spotting a roach infestation is to notice egg casings in various locations.


Spotting Roach Droppings Egg Casing

Droppings mean roaches are wandering your house or perhaps already manifested your favorite place in your house. These casings are long, brownish and round.

German cockroaches are capable of having upwards of 50 eggs within casings. If you see such a casing, it is essential to take action right away to keep the eggs from hatching.


Typical Hiding Spots

Nocturnal in nature, roaches prefer dark places. Therefore, they are known to hide under the sink or stove, beneath the refrigerator or inside cabinets. If you see any dead roaches in the house, there are likely more lurking.

The quicker roach problems are spotted, the quicker a professional pest control technician can do what is necessary to eliminate them.


4) Bites from Bed Bugs

It is common for bites from bed bugs to be mistaken for those caused by mosquitoes. A bed bug requires a blood source to produce its eggs. While humans are often a target of bed bugs, these pests are not the cause of diseases.


The appearance of Bed Bugs

These pests are small in size and therefore difficult to see.

Generally, they are no larger than a pencil tip eraser. Upon hatching, they are usually colorless until beginning to feed.

Full-grown bed bugs are a rusty or dark brown hue, and as they dine on blood, they gain a bit of a reddish-brown tint.


Where to Find Them

You can find bed bugs in sheets, cracks, headboards, crevices and sometimes within photo frames. It is very much recommended to clean the house every day.


Preventing Infestations of Bed Bugs

Tips for keeping this type of problem at bay include routine cleaning of the bedroom space, frequent vacuuming, and use of hot water or alcohol to scrub down key surfaces.


When you begin to suspect trouble with insect pests, do not delay in getting in touch with Critter Catchers pest control professionals in Acworth, GA so that eradication work can get underway.

Call us to help you get rid of these destructive pests before its too late.