Fall Preps for Keeping Pests Out of  Your Home for Winter Months at Acworth, GA

There is No Better Time Than Autumn to Get your House Prepared for the Winter Months. Though you already know you will need to get your yard in proper shape and stow away all of your summer goods, you also need to keep your home protected against pest intrusions.

Fall tends to be the time when pests work hard to get inside your house in order to secure shelter, and warmth for the winter.

It is typical for rodents to do whatever they can to get inside of homes to find warm shelter for the cold that is to come. Flies regularly congregate on the west and south facing parts of the house as they also look for heat.

Wasps, bees and yellow jackets also get feistier during the fall, because they experience a decrease in available food sources. The moisture that accumulates beneath and within a home will also serve to attract cockroaches.

Other species searching for a warm place to stay include ladybugs, ants, elders, and stinkbugs.

Armed with the knowledge of which type of pests are likely to appear as fall approaches, it is time to turn your attention to the steps that can be taken to thwart their attempts at invasion.

Consider the following tips for keeping pests at bay as the temperatures cool.

Stop Their Entry

Take a close look at all potential points of entry for pests, both on the outside and the inside of the house. Make certain that any cracks or openings on the external portions of the home are sealed with steel wool and caulk, particularly in the vicinity of utility piping.

Make sure attic vents are fully screened and have chimney sweeps installed. Ensure that pet doors, letter slots in doors and other openings to the outside are screened as well.

Loose bits of mortar surrounding windows and the home’s foundation need to be repaired as well. Look for gaps near windows or doors and use weatherstripping products where necessary.

Cleanliness Counts

Always sweep the floors of your home and keep countertops clean. Spills must be addressed right away, and trash needs to be removed often.

Never allow produce to overripen on the countertops. All foods, including pet food, needs to be kept in airtight storage containers. Try not to leave pet dishes sitting out for extended periods.

Dryness is Key

It must be remembered that cockroaches love moisture and mosquitoes use standing water as a breeding ground. Take a survey of your home routinely to look for areas of stagnant water.

Make sure to look over the gutter and rain spout system so that clogging can be eliminated promptly. Gutter guards should be installed to stop this from occurring in the first place.

Verify there is no leak in your air conditioner. Remove toys or other items from the yard that may allow water to collect.

Take steps to properly ventilate your attic, basement, and crawlspace, keeping these areas dry as well. Dehumidifiers can be great for use in garage and attic spaces.

External Spaces Matter Too

Work hard to keep your grass and overall landscape mowed and trimmed at all times. Keep shrubbery trimmed so that it does not encroach on your home’s structure.

Leave no less than two feet between landscaping and your walls. Pull excessive weeks and rake the yard to eliminate debris.

Firewood needs to be stored no less than 20 feet from the home, preferably on racks  that sit off of the ground.

Inspect Items That Come Into The Home

Take the time needed to look through packages, boxes and grocery sacks prior to bringing them to the inside of your home.

Luggage that has been used for travel needs to be inspected as well, and such items should be stored in an outside structure such as a garage after having been wrapped in plastic.

Avail Yourself of Professional Assistance

It is never a bad idea to contact a professional team of pest control experts who are able to offer a comprehensive assessment of your home and suggest a plan for pest prevention.

Call us to help you prevent these destructive pests before winter comes!