Squirrel Free This Winter 

There is no denying that summer is closed and with that, it means fall is here. While we may hate to see the end of summer, nature is preparing for the months ahead. It is during this time that area wildlife kicks into hyper drive and prepares for the winter ahead.

You more than likely have seen areas squirrels doing this better than anyone else!

These adorable but sometimes meddling mammals are considered one of nature’s overachievers this very reason. Every year they will go into the winter season overly prepared. And that preparation begins right about this time of year.

More than likely feel that you have been seeing more squirrels than ever before, it is not your imagination.

To be squirrel free as winter comes, here is everything you need to know about squirrel activity and how it could potentially affect you during the coming months.

Baby Time Months

Squirrels tend to have babies during February through April and August through September, and usually, have two letters every year. Once squirrels have made it they will gestate for about 40 days.

While the mother squirrel is pregnant she is going to be more than usual and begin stockpiling enough food for her babies. The vast majority of squirrels will live and asked by themselves, however, ground squirrels will sometimes mess communally.

Squirrels will build the nest by layering together leaves on branches in trees or other nooks that they may find.

As with many other baby mammals, baby squirrels are born into this world helpless. The mothers will raise their offspring on their own by weaning them and protecting them as they grow within the nest.

After about four weeks the babies will open their eyes and they will be able to live on their own within 10 weeks.

If you happen to see a squirrel carrying leaves of the tree during the summer months, they are probably preparing for the joys of motherhood!

Scatter/Hoarding behavior

Squirrels use a process known as scatter-hoarding to gather and store food, during this process, we will store food throughout the area.

The hordes can usually be found near their nests and are easily accessible. Gray and Fox squirrels are notorious scatter-hoarders and will go the extra mile by burying their treasures about an inch under the ground.

In fact, some will even create fake caches to mislead other foragers that may be looking for their food.

Squirrels will store a wide variety of foods. Throughout the year they will gather pinecones, acorns, fruit, insects, fungi, leaves, tree bark, and various seeds and nuts.

When it is time for them to fees they will use their incredible sense of smell to find the stashes of food. There are some squirrels that will go even a step further.

A recent study found that there are some species that we use specific strategies in which they organize their stashes of food to remember where everything is.

Time To Bulk Up

Squirrels prepare for the winter by taking the time to expertly fattened themselves up.

They will store extra layers of fat to help them get through the winter when food is particularly stairs allowing them to hold off starvation.

Many squirrels will begin the process of woken up very early in the season. When they begin to bulk up these expert foragers will look for abundant and consistent sources of food.

Many species have found that bird feeders are one of the best sources of food despite the frustrations of the owners.

Squirrels will usually be for longer periods of time when they’re getting ready for winter, In fact, you may seem to think that this world never stops even. Generally, adult squirrels praise throughout the day stopping only to store food or sleep.

Many species will be active during the morning and evening hours when they can move around with general ease and safety.

Nesting Preparation

While many people believe that squirrels hibernate in the winter, they do not. Ground squirrels are one of the only types of squirrels that are capable of long-term hibernation.

Tree squirrels will stay active throughout the entire year. However, this is not necessarily mean that they enjoy or stand the cold temperatures.

If they intend to survive the long cold winter months, they will need to have a substantial nest that will keep them warm throughout the season.

Squirrels will build their nests in a wide variety of places. So will use their existing habitat and simply add more leaves and twigs to it. Others will move into abandoned homes and tree cavities left by other animals.

While others will find that your home looks like an incredible place for a nest. Squirrels will typically find attics an attractive place to stay warm throughout the winter months. In fact, it is possible to have multiple creditors move into the same dwelling!

It is not hard to feel lazy next to a squirrel. They are already on the move getting ready for the winter months.

It is impossible not to say that you were impressed and admire these little guys.

You may ask you want to take a note from squirrels and start preparing the winter months as well.

However, if you do not want to open your home to these fuzzy little critters, you may want to give Critter Catchers a call today.

We will be one step ahead of these critters and ensure that your home stays squirrel free this winter.