Reasons You Need Pest Control Services

If you have rodents in your home, then you need to take action or seek assistance from a professional pest control team or else a nightmare will be created. Rodents might be fun to watch at the pet store, but when you find them in your house, then it’s a different story. Rodents can cause a lot of damage, especially if the infestation is large.

In some cases, the damage is not easy to fix, nor is it cheap to decontaminate everything. In fact, a rodent infestation can lead to illness.

With that said, let’s talk about some of the reasons why you should hire a professional pest control services.


Rat & Mice Infestation

Rats and mice are always on the lookout for food and shelter.

They will quickly take up residence in a home if they think there is food in it, as well as plenty of warmth.

Rodents tend to like crawl spaces, where they can avoid being noticed and they are allowed to come and go whenever they want.

Rodents enjoy gnawing constantly, and this is why electrical cables and furniture can be at risk of damage.

This is also a huge safety concern because there have been times when fires have been started due to rodents eating through wires.

If you notice a mouse scurrying around your home, then it’s time to contact a professional pest control service.

When rodents have made their way into your home, they will quickly be settled in.

In order to attract other rodents, they will leave their scent behind, and if they mate, then the infestation will grow.

As the days go by, the infestation could continue to grow.

What makes things even worse is that eventually mice and rats will get into places such as cupboards, and to get to such places they will gnaw through a wood.

If it means they can get at things such as cereals and grains, then they will have no problems eating through a wood.

This can lead to your food becoming contaminating and they may leave feces behind. If this happens, then this poses a serious health risk.


Dead Animals

Nobody wants a living rodent in their house, but having a dead animal in the home is even worse than that.

The stench of a rotting carcass is putrid, but sometimes the smells can go unnoticed for a long period of time. This is because homeowners might not go in the section of the house that the dead animal is located in.

If a dead animal is located in your home, then health issues can arise.

Both pets and humans will be potentially at risk of illness.

If there’s a dead animal on your property, then it has to be handled properly by a professional pest control services company because it may be infected with disease or parasites.

The last thing you want is to become sick due to not getting rid of the carcass properly.

The smell of a carcass is not only gross, but other creatures might be attracted to it.

Unfortunately, this can lead to a whole new infestation, such as an ant infestation or fly infestation to name a few examples.

Many insects could find their way to where the carcass is, and then they may lay their larvae on it or around it.

The result of having a dead animal in your home can be devastating. Your home could be left with permanent damage and you might have to spend a lot of cash to fix everything.

The longer a dead animal stays around the property for, the more likely stuff like this will happen.

Such damage can include damage to wood, lasting stains on the walls or ceilings, as well as damage to any insulation.


Possums and Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons look cute and have a funny demeanor, but they actually aren’t that cute when they get into your house, as they can cause more destruction than you can imagine.

They love attics because they don’t mind living in such environments.

If you notice or suspect there is a raccoon in your attic, then make sure you contact pest control services right away because they will get rid of it as soon as possible.

Raccoons should not be left alone because they will completely destroy your attic, eat through wires and could possibly put you at risk for various diseases and illnesses, including rabies.

If a raccoon is in a rabid state, then they may have no problems with attacking a person or a pet.

Possums also tend to be attracted to attics, as well as basements and like raccoons they can cause plenty of damage to insulation and to any walls.

They care for illnesses and they tend to leave behind a lot of waste, which can cause horrible smells and their feces may contain parasites.

Female possums usually give birth to many offspring, and the offspring may become stuck within attic walls.

If they get stuck, they will eventually die and you’ll be left with a dead animal that you probably won’t even know about until it is too late.



Rodents, raccoons, and possums are not the only animals that can cause issues.

In fact, bats are a major concern.

Unlike rodents, bats don’t really enter a home as fast or swiftly as mice and rats.

Bats tend to prefer cooler temperatures and will follow currents of air until they get into a property.

This is why they will likely make their home in attics and chimneys. Plus, such areas may resemble a cave, which is where many bats tend to live.

They can enter your home via screened indoors, air ducts and windows to name a few.

Believe it or not, but bats are usually quiet, but at night they can be heard making noises such as scratching walls and squeaking.

They are very agile and they can easily get stuck between walls and if they die, then this can lead to horrible odors.

Bat guano, which comes from feces, smells bad and it is known for carrying diseases that can pose a serious health risk to humans.


Preventing Rodents

After you get rid of unwanted animals in your home, you want to do what you can to make sure they don’t come back.

When they have been released or exterminated, you want to take preventative action, such as blocking entry points and exit points that the animals were using.

Also, don’t forget to decontaminate the odors and feces that they left because if you don’t, then other critters will eventually make their way into your home.



If you want to make your life easier, then you want to hire a professional pest control company.

You do not want to try to get rid of a rodent infestation when you have no clue as to what you’re doing.

Plus, you’ll only become more frustrated when you can’t get rid of them and you’ll likely spend a lot of money on stuff that isn’t working.

Rodents, bats, and raccoons are persistent and when they have taken up residence in a home, they will be resilient and stay in it for as long as they can. This is why they are hard to get rid of.

On that note, if you use commercial products, then you might be putting yourself at risk if you do not use them properly.

Rodents can easily gnaw through insulation and they can make a nest in it, which means you’ll have to replace it.

Don’t worry though because a professional pest control services company will take care of this and they will sanitize, decontaminate and close off entry and exit points.

With that said, do yourself a favor and hire a pest control company if you suspect or know you are dealing with unwanted animals in your property.

Contact us today to help you get rid of these unwanted animals in your house.