Some Damages That Marietta GA Beavers can Cause to Your Property

Beavers are large rodents which live in North America and can reside in your local Marietta Georgia community. They are also called Castor Canadensis. The adults range from 40 to 60 pounds. They are curious, industrious and social. They have physical characteristics which help them thrive in mostly aquatic environment which includes nostrils, webbed feet, ears which can close underwater, and membranes that covers eyes underwater, flat, broad and scaly tail.

These Marietta Rodents submerge under water for up to 20 minutes by slowing the heart rates and use oxygen which are stored in their large livers. They usually mark their territories by sweat excretion but also pungent, and musk from paired glands around their anus. They are times called castors. They deposit castor on mounds mud and grass which are found at the edge of water. Newly established mounds show reddish stain.

Damages Caused By Beavers In Marietta

They are one of few vertebrates which are capable of altering their environments so as to suit their needs. The floods which result from beaver dams can be left with deep standing water, of which it once contained shallow and slow moving water. Animals and plants which are adapted to pond life and wetlands are responsible for establishing themselves in the newly flooded area. Before one starts to implement beaver control because of the damages, one should weigh the environmental benefits which are provided by the beaver ponds and wetlands.

Some Of The Beaver Damages Include

Girdling trees; they prefer to fell trees which have diameters ranging from 2 to 6 inch, and they are known to cut trees which are up to 3 feet in diameter. They harm trees by stripping of tree barks in process called girding. Once the beaver girdle tree trunk, even if it fails to do so on circumference of the tree trunk, the damaged tree will die or fail to thrive.

Beaver Dams Can Flood Crops

Marietta Georgia Beaver ponds cause significant damages to human interests. Flooding can remove pastures and crops from reproduction and there drown stands of trees.

Flooding in this sense threaten public safety by the process of compromising the integrity of roadways, levies, dikes, bridges, and trestles by the process of saturating soil with water.

Removal Of Beavers Can Prevent Giardiasis

This is also called beaver fever. It is a disease contracted by a human which is caused by protozoa which are carried by the beaver. This is shed on feces and in turn contaminates water that is later consumed by a human. One should ensure water is sterile and clean before drinking.
With this in mind, beaver damages can often be managed by the calling us for our professional rodent removal service.

If you have beavers that are damaging your property causing damage or even if you think they may cause destruction, then contact us today!